We only work with folks who work like we do. They will have a heart for customer service and be experts at their craft.

What Type of Service Are You Looking For?

Recommended Service Providers

Every person on this list has either been used by Toby, his company, or one of Toby’s friends. We believe strongly in their ability to provide excellent results or they wouldn’t be on this list. However, we do not guarantee or warrant their work.


Auto Mechanic

Commercial Bankers / Lenders

  • Robert Eggleton, State Bank, 614-353-7975, Dublin.

Handy-Man Servies

  • Rob Rehm, RehModeling, 614-206-5403, Delaware.

Home Inspectors

HVAC Service Providers

Mortgage (Residential)


Title Servies

The Legal Stuff

Neither Toby Boyce, the Exchangors, nor Parker Realty Associates guarantee or warranty the work provided by any contractors on the list. These are people we have or would use for the services they are included on the list, but that doesn’t guarantee your experience.

No money was transferred, services rendered, or offered to be included on this list.

This list is dynamic, it has and will evolve and change over the years. Being included on this list is by the choice of Toby and at his discretion.

Turning Properties Into Profits

Work With Us

Toby Boyce and the Exchangors have the experience, knowledge, and opportunities for you to turn your properties into profits. But we can’t do it until you reach out!

Contact Us